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Adirondack Lifestyle ™: Apr 29, 2008

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Ironpeople Everwhere!

Ah yes, Spring in the Adirondacks; birds are singing (and drumming and gobbling) and buds are sprouting everywhere. And so are folks training for Ironman® Lake Placid. It started last weekend and will continue throughout the entire Spring and Summer: Ironman training camps and lone Ironpeople training in hopes of completing the grueling Ironman event held in Lake Placid. It really is neat to live in an area where healthy living and fitness is valued. There are many benefits of hosting an Ironman competition in one's community, especially economic ones. The more intangible benefit of placing value on fitness by recognizing those who participate in a competitive event like Ironman is priceless. I live just outside of Lake Placid, near the high point of the climb leaving town on "Ski Jump Hill." I know what it feels like to ride up that hill; I do it a lot. Slowly. I really feel for and admire the folks who drive up from the city on Friday, jump right on their bikes and head out of town, immediately facing Ski Jump Hill. I know they've been training hard prior to coming to Lake Placid, but there is nothing that gets you ready for the hills of the Adirondacks like riding them. One such camp is the "Fireman IronMan" Camp. This camp consists of a great group of level-headed athletes.
"The LP Triathlon Camp is a grass-roots long training weekend at the site of Ironman® Lake Placid. Although there are no formal classes you will live and breath the Ironman® course all weekend along side veterans and newbies of Ironman® Lake Placid. No matter what your level you will go away with knowledge and confidence after training on the actual race course throughout the camp. You might go away with a slight hangover also."

"This is a very informal camp. We gather there to learn and help each other out, doing as much - or as little of the workouts as you want. LEAVE YOUR EGOS AT HOME."
