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New Study Cites the Psychological Benefits of Wilderness

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Adirondack Lifestyle ™: New Study Cites the Psychological Benefits of Wilderness

Thursday, May 06, 2010

New Study Cites the Psychological Benefits of Wilderness

Honestly, this really is a totally, brand new study. I was delighted when I read the newly published article late last night; I could not believe my luck. The author of this news story in the Huffington Post describes a number of recent studies that show spending time in nature actually shifts our brain from one processing mode to another. He references the results of a recent study published in the academic journal Psychology Science. The bottom line is: "Getting into the woods and away from the hustle-and-bustle actually equips us to cope better with the cognitive demands of daily life."
I'll take this opportunity to point these studies out to my friends and colleagues who think it is normal to live in a city with a bzillion people buzzing around, yet tease me about my affection for being outdoors. Now I get to say, "Gotta go - time to take my outdoors playtime medicine!"
Dare I mention my Adirondack Wellness Theory? Check it out - Property in the Adirondack Wilderness - good for what ails you!

Today's featured photo shows a Trout Lily, feeling right at home after a deluge rain shower. Photograph courtesy of Joann Sandone Reed


Blogger Ann Melious said...

I like confirmation of the value of the natural world. Some folks won't believe the truth unless it is quantified. So get outdoors with your kids because SCIENTISTS say it is good for you, and please support environmental protection with your votes and your dollars.

5/10/2010 11:34 AM  

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